F16 Vs F35 - Can the F-16 and F-35 perform joint operations? The DutchF-35 test team studied it during a two-week exercise at Edwards Air Force Base (USA). The Dutch Air Force Command (CLSK) was supported in this effort.

Interoperability The F-35 participated in a special exercise in the US as part of the project. For the first time, F-16s flew alongside their 5th generation successors, the F-35. The goal was to investigate interoperability: Can the two weapon systems work together during operations?

F16 Vs F35

F16 Vs F35

Scorecards This exercise was conducted as part of the operational test and evaluation phase of the F-35 project - OT&E for short. For this purpose, a comprehensive test plan has been developed that covers all aspects of operational tests. This involved modeling real operational scenarios and conducting post-flight interviews with pilots. After each flight, the pilots completed a scorecard designed to determine the effectiveness of operations and the effect of cooperation on participants' situational awareness. Video recordings of the cockpit displays during operations were also collected. Now analyzes and checks these images.

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The more efficient F-35's sensor package is more comprehensive and sophisticated than that of the F-16. The F-35 can gather more information and from farther than the F-16. The test exercise showed that the F-16 could use the sensors of its more advanced successors on future combine missions. "With the F-35, the F-16s are 100 times more effective," said one of the pilots involved.

Thanks to his expertise in operations, interoperability and functional testing, he was able to successfully support these experiments.

Https:///wp-content/uploads/2015/11/F16-en-F35.jpg 965 1900 Rachelle Meijer https:///wp-content/uploads/2019/04/-logo-300x77-1-300x77. png Rachelle Meijer 2015-10-26 14:41:34 2017-10-26 12:21:36 F-35 and F-16 in joint training

This site uses cookies. By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. Five years ago, reports surfaced citing the results of tests at Edwards Air Force Base that pitted the F-16 against F-35s in air-to-air combat to assess the combat capability of the much-talked-about 5th generation fighter.

Chefe Da Usaf Quer Novo Caça Menos Avançado Que O F 35 E Que Substitua O F 16

Citing some of the actual test results, several news outlets said the results showed the F-16 was actually better than the F-35 in dogfights. The reports have generated much discussion, debate and uproar regarding the F-35. However, as can often be the case, the context used in 2015 and writings about actual aircraft have largely overlooked important contextual aspects of the debate.

Some asked the question, "Can the F-35 really get a dogfight?" "Does it have to be a dogfight?" The answers to these questions are actually quite clear. Yes, it can fight, but no, it doesn't need much given the range, accuracy and precision of the sensors and the on-board computer processing.

But what about the actual values ​​of the question? How well can the F-35 fight? Does it really work on the F-16? An Air Force pilot who was there at the time says the answer is clear. no.

F16 Vs F35

"I was at Edwards Air Force Base when the test pilots were there and they wrote the original report. It's been a narrative ever since, and I'd like to say a few things about it….

Program Update: Rnlaf F 35s Visit The Netherlands

First of all, it should be noted that the aircraft (F-35) is in its infancy and we are still trying to learn how to fly the aircraft. The full CLAW (Flight Control Laws) hadn't yet been delivered so the guys hadn't developed tactics, techniques and procedures etc. So to say that the F-35 can't do basic air maneuvers (BFM, one word) in a dogfight is an exaggeration in my opinion.

Honestly, you know, I think seeing the F-35 and F-16 based on how they performed in BFM action would be pretty eye-opening. Obviously, the F-35 has some advantages, the F-16 is particularly advantageous in terms of helmet integration with its advanced weaponry compared to platforms like the F-22 or F-35.

- Chris "Worm" Spinelli, F-35 test pilot, Lockheed Martin told me in an interesting interview with F-35 pilots.

While the F-35 is certainly capable of combat, it is a well-known fact that due to its suite of sensors and computing technology, the added reality is that it may make the F-35 less likely to do so. 35 actually "is" for dogfighting. The F-35 will most likely kill the enemy without being seen.

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"From my perspective, with the existing sensor suite, sensor fusion and MADL (F-35s Multifunction Advanced Datalink), we need to avoid any possible engagement before we get into visual range, not combat. Air, regardless of the adversary. The tactical scenario is more, more .The further this is resolved, the more it benefits us.

I remember writing about this incident and reading a specific Air Force test report back in 2015. At the time, I received an interesting and very important answer to this question from the Pentagon's F-35 Joint Program Office. In 2015, the JPO welcomed the report and assessment but wanted to make some key points about the existing circumstances as they put too much weight on the results. In a statement to me in 2015, the JPO says that the reports of the F-35-F-16 collision omitted many important facts.

"Media coverage of F-35 and F-16 flights does not tell the whole story. AF-2, which includes the F-35, is designed to test the F-35's flight science or flight characteristics. It lacks many of the things that make today's F-35s 5 . generation fighters. ,” the F-35 JPO office said in a written statement back in 2015.

F16 Vs F35

Specifically, the JPO statement explained that the AF-2 test aircraft lacked mission systems software designed to use the aircraft's next-generation sensors. According to the F-35 office, the AF-2 test aircraft of the F-35 did not have a special stealth coating designed to make the aircraft invisible to enemy radar. The JPO statement said the AF-2 "is not equipped with weapons or software that would allow an F-35 pilot to turn around, aim the weapon with his helmet and fire at the enemy without directing the aircraft to the target."

Was An F 35 Really Killed By An F 16? Here Is What Really Happened

Finally, the F-35 office said simulated combat scenarios have shown four F-35s to have won an encounter with four F-16s.

F-16 4-ship low level and flares / F-35 4-ship tanker fully loaded with GBU-12s (inner and outer), low level and weapons separation

"The F-35 won all of these encounters thanks to its sensors, weapons and stealth technology," the statement said.

What is remarkable about these JPO statements from 2015 is that they were 6 years ago and the F-35 has evolved significantly since then, which only strengthens their position at the time.

Usaf F 16 Pilot Explains Why He Would Rather Fly The F 35 In Combat Than The F 22 (even In A War Against Russia Or China)

Years after these initial questions arose and the JPO responded, F-35 pilots like Wilson, who had flown the 4th and 5th generation F-35s for years, reported in great detail how the F-35 compares to the F-16 and F with. /A-18 antenna.When it comes to war.

"I come from the F/A-18 community. That airplane has great airway maneuverability. So one thing we always try to accomplish is to force the fighter to go in a favorable direction. By comparison, the F-16 is a better 'heavyweight fighter.' great tension to weight. Imagine going around a racetrack, unless you want to go around the racetrack quickly so you can get behind another racer and shoot him. The F-16 has amazing thrust. ..what the F- 35 brings to the pilot is actually a combination of the two. It has an amazing amount of airway capacity but doesn't sacrifice pressure for weight. The weight ratio I get out of the F-35 is amazing. Now I have several options when I find myself because of the threat I'm dealing with, into a dogfight. I can choose which fight suits me against that opponent. …

-- Tony "Brick" Wilson, former F/A-18 pilot and current fighter flight operations manager (F-35 test pilot), Lockheed Martin

F16 Vs F35

-- Chris Osborne, president of Warrior Maven and defense editor for the National Interest --

F 35 Has Taken Over The Qra Role From F 16 In Norway

Osborne previously served in the Pentagon as a top talent specialist in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Army Acquisition and Logistics.

& Technology. Osborne has also served as an anchor and on-air specialist for national television networks. He has appeared as a guest military expert on Fox News, MSNBC, The Military Channel, and The History Channel. He also holds a master's degree in comparative literature from Columbia University.

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