F16 Vs F22 - An F-22 Raptor from Langely Air Force Base, Virginia. flies over after receiving fuel from a KC-135 Stratotanker from McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas, July 27, 2016, during a Red Flag exercise hosted by Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. Red Flag 16-3 is dedicated to training members to integrate the elements of air, space and cyberspace. (U.S. Air Force photo/Tech Sgt. David Salanitri)

The highly acclaimed F-22 Raptor - a single-seat, twin-engine, stealth, all-weather tactical aircraft - has long been considered one of the most powerful combat aircraft the world has ever seen.

F16 Vs F22

F16 Vs F22

According to the EurAsian Times, this fighter “combines a revolutionary leap in technology and performance with reduced support requirements and maintenance costs. … The plane's supercruise, along with its stealth and integrated avionics and maneuvering capabilities, give its pilots a "first look, first hit, first kill" capability against enemy aircraft.

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The jet "not only has its own precision ground attack capability, but can also carry existing and planned short- and medium-range air-to-air missiles in its internal bays. The F-22 also has an internal cannon 20 mm guns and equipment to carry precision ground attack weapons.

It was in 2006 that “the F-22s of the 27th Fighter Squadron shot down one hundred and forty-four “enemy” F-15s and F/A-18s during fake dogfights. Still buoyed by this victory, it departed for Okinawa on February 27, while its sister squadron, the 94th Fighter Squadron, was simultaneously deployed to Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, for the first exercise of the new Red Flag stealth aircraft. As the 27th cleared the skies of Air Force F-15s and Japanese F-4s of the 1960s, the 94th rammed headlong into an F-16 from the 64th Aggressor Squadron and suffered its first mock firefight. .

AirForces Monthly magazine added further details: “57. The adversary's battle group engaged in interesting tactics not contained in the general intelligence (scripted) scenario. These included unexpected threats, usually Red Air (enemy) fighters entering the aerial battle unexpectedly. White Force (exercise control) personnel would confirm that the threat was Red and Blue Air ("the good guys") had to respond. The tactic worked. An F-16C pilot assigned to the 64th Aggressor Squadron destroyed a red flag for the first time in F-22 history."

According to the magazine, Lt. Col. Dirk Smith was quoted as saying, "At least half of the 94th FS crews spent less than fifty hours in the F-22, and no matter how magical the F-22 is, any driver can make a mistake. The beauty of Red Flag is that we got to practice our tactics in a tough scenario, make a mistake, learn a lesson, and be much more prepared for actual combat.

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Note that a few years later the F-22 Raptor was shot down again - this time by an inferior fourth-generation French fighter, Dassault's Rafale.

“Although remarkable in its own right, this French military aircraft does not look as impressive compared to the Raptor. He is a versatile 'omnirole' fighter who can perform all kinds of tasks and carry a very wide range of weapons," EurAsian Times wrote.

“However, it can only reach Mach 2, which is slower than the Raptor's top speed of Mach 2.25. The F-22's rate of climb, maneuverability and avionics exceed French aircraft," he continued.

F16 Vs F22

Ethen Kim Lieser is a Washington-based science and technology editor who has worked at Google, The Korea Herald, Lincoln Journal Star, AsianWeek, and Arirang TV. Follow him or contact him at

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Ethen Kim Lieser is a science and technology editor from Washington State who has worked at Google, The Korea Herald, Lincoln Journal Star, AsianWeek, and Arirang TV. Home Air Force USAF F-16 Viper pilot explains why the F-15E Strike Eagle can't get close to the F-22 Raptor

USAF F-16 Viper pilot explains why the F-15E Strike Eagle can't hold off the F-22 Raptor close-up

"When I'm fighting an F-22 Raptor, it's usually hard to stay alive. The F-15ESTrike Eagle, on the other hand, is very easy to fight," said USAF F-16 Viper pilot Rick Scheff. .

The F-15E Strike Eagle, developed to meet United States Air Force (USAF) requirements for air-to-ground missions, first flew from St. Louisa in December 1986. The Strike Eagle can carry 23,000 lbs air-to-ground. - surface and air-to-air weapons and is equipped with an advanced infrared navigation and targeting system that protects the Strike Eagle from enemy defenses. This allows the Strike Eagle to fly low while maintaining high speed, even in bad weather or at night.

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Instead, the F-22 Raptor was developed for the USAF as a result of the service's Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF) program. The aircraft was designed as an air superiority fighter, but also has ground attack, electronic warfare and signals intelligence capabilities. The F-22's combination of stealth, super cruise, maneuverability and integrated avionics, along with enhanced support, represents an exponential leap in combat capability.

“There really is no comparison,” says USAF F-16 Viper pilot Rick Scheff on Quora. Usually the Strike Eagle is called the B-15 to distinguish it from the F-15C. B is for bomber because it is an airplane.

"I fly an F-16. I'm stationed at Shaw Air Force Base, SC, which is also home to the Ninth Air Force - Wikipedia. If you look at who they belong to, you'll notice it includes the 1st Fighter Wing - Wikipedia, 325th Fighter Wing - Wikipedia and 4th Fighter Wing - Wikipedia As a result, I can regularly fly with and against F-22s and F-15Es.

F16 Vs F22

"First we have the F-22. The finest air supremacy fighter in the world. It lives air in air, breathes air in air, and for those glorious few minutes until runs out of fuel and returns home, he is the undisputed champion:

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Second, we have the F-15E. It has lots of gas, lots of weapons, lots of people, lots of toughness, and it does mostly air-to-ground missions. He can do air-to-air in the same way an Olympic decathlete can run the 1500. It'll be fine, but it won't be pretty:

“At speed and high above the ground, the Raptor and block 50 Viper are essentially the same. At sufficient energy, the limiting factor is the G limit of the cell, which is 9G for both. Both devices will easily withstand 9G in anti-skid. The catch is that when on the ground or at low speeds, the Raptor has so much more power and thrust vectoring that it even beats a block 50 Viper.

In contrast, the Strike Eagle is lucky to get a noticeable G, even momentarily. If you look at the photo, you will notice the compliant fuel tanks. Trying to maneuver with these is like trying to run in ski boots. They are good for long air-to-ground missions. They are crippled for high G buoys.

"It's well validated because we often support the F-15E and F-22 base courses and a popular way to support them is to be the bad guy in ACM (2v1) combat. It's two against one of us, but in exchange we usually start behind them, so they have to solve the problem.

F 16 Bulgaria

This print is available in multiple sizes at AircraftProfilePrints.com - CLICK HERE FOR YOURS. F-22A Raptor 192nd Fighter Wing, 149th Fighter Squadron, FF/04-4082 - Langley AFB, VA - 2014

"When I fight the Raptors, it's usually all I can do to stay alive. I use full afterburner, I'm on the limiter, it's tough, and they always catch me. If nothing d "Other, they can make me run on the ground and win with just physics. Especially if I'm fighting an instructor pilot, it's a matter of time. On the other hand, the Strike Eagle is very easy to fight. When we fight them, we don't use the afterburner at all and If I wanted to, I could win all 2 to 1 in seconds because their roll just can't get me in. I start behind them and they don't have no chance of getting me out of here.

When we coordinate the night before, Raptor instructors usually say something like, "Do whatever you want. I'd love to see your best shot and we'll find out." Strike Eagle instructors usually say, "Please don't use AB and line up behind me, but switch to a student so I can see what he does, and if you end a round with a man, just stay neutral so I can see what he's doing and don't call for kills, and if you get into a long fight with a student, leave him eventually reach your control zone so we don't waste fuel, and, and, and,…''

F16 Vs F22

"That's not to say one is a better plane than the other. They do different things. For example, the 15E can do this:

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That's more than twice as many bombs as the F-16 can carry. It can also fly about 100 times farther than

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